18 Old Tree Stumps Turned Into Beautiful Flower Planters

Did you recently have a tree cut down on your property? Utilize the what’s left of it and make a Tree Stumps to Planter out of it. Read here to learn how.

Unfortunately, there are times when it becomes necessary to cut down trees. Sometimes they carry diseases and bacteria that threaten surrounding plant-life, sometimes their growth threatens other structures, and other times their roots can destroy a landscape.

Whatever reason you may have for cutting down a tree, it is important to know that it does not have to be a completely destructive action against nature! Another tree may be planted to replace it, but a new tree can take several decades or even more grow.

A more immediate way to give back to nature and utilize the stump of the tree is to convert it into a unique and stylish planter! There are countless options for planters out there, but utilizing a stump helps you by getting rid of an eyesore in your backyard, as well as being a cost-free way to plant flowers or any other desired greenery!

Take a look at these 18 examples of tree stumps that have been converted into planters, and find some inspiration to create your own natural planter.

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