Green-Backed Tit: Exploring the Characteristics and Behavior of a Small Bird Found in Forested Areas with a Striking Plumage and Unique Feeding Habits.KieuTrinh

Green-backed tit, Da Lat, 7/2 022


The yellow-bellied tit is a medium-sized species of the tit (about 13 cm). The bird has a black head with white cheeks, a light green upper body with two white stripes on the wings, and a pale yellow lower body with a dark black stripe from the neck to the tail. The female has a darker yellow color and smaller black stripes.


Green-backed tit is medium sized species in the tit group (about 13 cm). It has black head with white cheeks, greenish upperparts with two white wing-bars and pale yellow underparts with very broad black stripe from throat to vent. The female has yellower underparts with smaller black stripe.


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Green-backed tit, Da Lat, December 2018

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