Javan Frogmouth: Unveiling the Nocturnal Beauty and Mysterious Lifestyle of a Bird with a Unique Beak

Wide-billed owl / Javan frogmouth, Ma Tu, 4/2022


The broad-billed owl is a medium-sized species in the group of croaked owls (about 24 cm). The bird has a very broad bill, yellow eyes, mostly warm brown upper body and brownish-white underparts with darker neck and chest.


Javan frogmouth is a medium sized species in the frogmouth group (about 24 cm). It has a distinctive broad bill, yellow eyes, mostly warmish brown upperparts and buffy white underparts with more rufous throat and breast


Interesting information:

Interesting fact:

Wide-billed owl / Javan frogmouth, Ma Tu, 4/2022
Wide-billed owl / Javan frogmouth, Ma Tu, 4/2022

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