Behold the Beauty of the Green-Tailed Sunbird

Green-tailed sunbird (male), Fanxipan, 3/2023
Green-tailed sunbird (female), Fanxipan, October 2019


Blue-tailed honeysuckle is a large species in the group of suckers (male about 14 cm, female about 10 cm). Similar to other honeysuckle species, males and females are very different. The male has a glossy dark green crown and upper tail, olive green upper body and bright yellow underside. The female has a gray head, a darker blue upper body and a lighter lower body.


Green-tailed sunbird is a large sized species in the sunbird group (male is about 14 cm, female is about 10cm). Similar to other sunbirds, male and female are very different. Male has iridescent dark green crown and upper tail, green olive upperparts and bright yellow underpart. Female has grey head, darker green in upperparts and paler in underparts.


Interesting information:

Blue-tailed honeysuckle is one of 14 species that can be observed in Vietnam. Blue-tailed mollusks are distributed in high altitudes from 1400-2800 m (mainly observed in the high mountains of the Northwest and Ngoc Linh). The two subspecies in these two regions are slightly different (eg, Ngoc Linh subspecies (i) has no red patches on the lower body, (ii) lacks chestnut brown bands on the shoulders)

Interesting facts:

Green-tailed sunbird is one of 14 species of which we can watch in Vietnam. It grows mainly in the high elevation regions from 1400-2800 m (popular in the West Tonkin and Ngọc Linh mountain). There are minor differences between two subspecies in these regions (such as (i) no scarlet on underpart and (ii) lack chestnut band on mantle in the subspecies on Ngoc Linh mountain).

Green-tailed sunbird (male), Fanxipan, 3/2023
Green-tailed sunbird (male), Fanxipan, October 2019
Green-tailed sunbird (male), Ngoc Linh, October 2019

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