“Feline Rescue: Heartwarming Tale of How a Community Came Together to Save Kittens Trapped Under a House”

A group of compassionate individuals have managed to completely transform the lives of a litter of kittens that were discovered hiding underneath a house.

kitten sisters

Nikki Martinez, a rescuer and fosterer residing in Las Vegas, received a notification about three kittens that were discovered under a house owned by a young couple. Upon arrival, Nikki noticed that the kittens were unwell and required immediate medical attention. The couple had already caught one of the kittens, which was around 6-7 weeks old, along with its smaller sibling. To Nikki’s amazement, the bigger kitten weighed 22 ounces, whereas the smaller one was only six ounces, which was considerably small for its age.

kitten sizes

Dani was noticeably tinier than her sibling ArnieNikki Martinez. They attempted to catch the final kitten, but the little one was stubborn and refused to emerge from its hiding spot. As the night approached midnight, they decided to bring home the initial two kittens. The living environment beneath the house was unsanitary and riddled with fleas, leaving the kittens in a pitiful state. After receiving baths and eye treatments, the two younglings were able to finally rest cozily in a warm bed for the first time, catching up on some much-needed sleep.

rescue kitten

According to Nikki Martinez, the following day Arnie, the larger cat, showed signs of improvement as her eye looked better. However, the smaller cat, Dani, was severely underweight and had infected eyes that were swollen. As a result, Dani was taken to an animal hospital for further treatment. Meanwhile, Nikki and her husband went back to their house to save the third kitten. “Foster Papi” was also present to help rescue the last kitten, which was hiding under the house. The couple worked tirelessly until midnight to ensure the safe rescue of the kitten.

kitten harness

Arnie came back to the house to lend a hand in rescuing her sister JaeNikki Martinez. Despite using various methods such as playing audio sounds of kittens and cats, they were unsuccessful in coaxing the kitten out. A team of volunteers and tips from other rescuers led them to bring Arnie to assist them. They positioned Arnie at the opening of the hole and waited for her sibling to come out. Eventually, they managed to retrieve all three kittens and located the feral cat mother, whom they spayed and provided medical attention. It was truly a collaborative effort that made the rescue mission a success.

rescue kitten

Jae, the third kitten, had a nerve-racking experience, but she was eventually rescued. After cleaning her eyes and providing her with delicious food, she quickly adjusted to her new indoor life. You can witness the kittens’ rescue and journey by watching this video. After spending some time in the hospital, Dani was joyfully reunited with her sisters. Together, they devoured their food and cuddled for a nap. With the aid of her siblings’ encouragement and affection, Dani gained a substantial amount of weight in just one week.

kittens reunited

After her hospital visit, Dani was finally able to see her sisters again and it was a heartwarming reunion. According to Nikki Martinez, Arnie is the biggest of the litter and loves playing with toys. Meanwhile, Jae is more of a snuggler and loves nothing more than being picked up and showered with cuddles.

siamese kitten mix

Have you seen Jae lately? According to Nikki Martinez, Jae is their beloved and unique cat. She has a sweet personality and likes to observe her sisters’ playful activities from the top of the scratcher. However, Jae has some developmental differences from her siblings, causing her to grow at a slower pace, but she is still growing nonetheless.

playful kittens

Nikki Martinez and her family celebrated a major milestone when Dani, one of the three kittens they are fostering, reached the one-pound mark. It was a joyous occasion for them, especially since the kittens are now thriving under their care, which is a far cry from their previous life living under a house.

palm-sized kitten

Meet Dani, the amazing little feline who may be small in size, but has a big personality. Despite being the runt of the litter, Dani is determined to grow up and be just as strong as her siblings Arnie and Jae. She closely observes their playful antics and tries her best to keep up with them.

cute siamese kitten mix

Feel free to share this tale with your pals. Keep yourself posted on Nikki’s foster kittens and the trio’s progress by following our Facebook and Instagram account @myfosterkittens.

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