“Rescued Felines: Heartwarming Journey of Kittens Saved by Compassionate Community”

A group of generous individuals has completely transformed the fate of some little felines that were discovered beneath a house.

kitten sisters

Around a month ago, a couple named Jae and Dani found three weak kittens under their house in Las Vegas. They immediately contacted Nikki Martinez, who is a fosterer and rescuer. Nikki and her husband rushed to the location to help. The couple had already caught two of the kittens, one of which was around 6-7 weeks old, while the other was smaller. Nikki was shocked to see the size difference between the siblings as the bigger one weighed 22 ounces, while the younger one weighed only six ounces, despite being the same age.

kitten sizes

Dani was noticeably tinier than her elder sibling, ArnieNikki Martinez. They both attempted to retrieve the final kitten, but unfortunately, the little rascal was inaccessible and unyielding. As the night grew late, they ultimately agreed to bring home the first duo of felines.
The kittens’ dwelling place beneath the house was in a dire state, with fleas and dirt encrusting their bodies. After receiving much-needed cleaning and treatment for their eyes, the two youngsters were finally able to slumber peacefully in a snug bed.

rescue kitten

The following day, Arnie, the larger feline, seemed to be in good spirits and her eye appeared to have healed. However, Dani, the smaller kitten, was malnourished and her eyes were inflamed due to an infection. Nikki mentioned that they had to take Dani to an animal hospital for further medical attention. In the meantime, she and her spouse headed back to the house to save the last kitten. Foster Papi joined them at dawn and they all worked tirelessly to retrieve the remaining baby cat from beneath the property. They continued their efforts until midnight the next day.

kitten harness

Arnie came back to the house to assist in the rescue of her sister, JaeNikki Martinez. Despite trying various methods, such as playing audio sounds of cats and kittens, nothing seemed to be effective. Thanks to the cooperation of many volunteers and advice from other rescuers, they brought Arnie with them to persuade JaeNikki out. “I allowed Arnie to stand right next to the hole’s opening, and as soon as the sibling appeared, I caught her.” It was a collective effort, but they were successful in rescuing all three kittens and even located the feral cat mother to have her spayed and treated by a veterinarian.

rescue kitten

Jae, the third kitten, was finally rescued and despite being scared at first, she quickly adapted to her new indoor life after having her eyes cleaned and being fed with good food. You can watch their journey in a video. Dani was reunited with her sisters after spending a few days at the hospital and they happily ate together before snuggling for a nap. Even though Dani is a tiny kitten, she gained 2.4 ounces in just one week, which is a significant improvement. Having her sisters around motivated her to eat more and feel constantly loved.

kittens reunited

After being discharged from the hospital, Dani was able to finally meet up with her sisters. According to Nikki Martinez, one of the kittens in the group named Arnie is the most energetic and enjoys playing with all sorts of toys. Meanwhile, Jae, another kitten, is the cuddliest of them all and loves to be picked up for a good snuggle. Nikki also shared that Jae is always the first one to run towards her for some quality time together.

siamese kitten mix

Take a glance at Jae at present
Nikki Martinez

“Dani is a lovable and unique member of our feline family. Her favorite pastime is ascending to the peak of the scratching post and observing her siblings engage in their playful activities from a distance. Unlike her sisters, she undergoes developmental differences that affect her growth rate, but she’s still making progress.”

playful kittens

Nikki Martinez and her family celebrated Dani’s achievement of reaching the one-pound mark by throwing a party. The three kittens are in good health and growing well under their foster care, which is a big difference from the difficult life they had before being rescued from under the house.

palm-sized kitten

Meet Dani, the tiny and mighty feline who aspires to become just as big and strong as her two feline companions, Arnie and Jae. Despite her small stature, Dani doesn’t let that hold her back as she closely observes their playful ways and works hard to follow in their paw prints.

cute siamese kitten mix

Don’t forget to tell your buddies about this story! Keep tabs on the trio and Nikki’s foster cats by following them on Facebook and Instagram @myfosterkittens.

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