The 2-year-old girl accompanied her mother throughout the challenging birth process and loved her new born sibling very much.

A mother who gave birth with the help of her daughter says having her child by her side was a “non-brainer” – but not everyone agrees. Ariel Hayes, a 23-year-old mother of two from Colorado in the US, shared her birth story with the world after allowing her two-year-old daughter, Izzy, to participate in the delivery of her younger brother in a birthing pool at home.

As Ariel neared her due date, she prepared Izzy for the experience and explained what would happen during labor. Surprisingly, Izzy was excited and wanted to be present during the birth.

With the approval of her midwife and the support of her husband, Thomas, Ariel decided to include Izzy in the birthing process. She booked a birth photographer and made arrangements for Izzy to be part of the experience. During labor, Izzy stayed by Ariel’s side, rubbing her back and offering encouragement. She even expressed her excitement to the arriving photographer and midwife, sharing that her brother would soon be born.

When the time came for the baby to arrive, Izzy was right there, feeling her brother’s head as he crowned. With the guidance of the midwife, Izzy even had the opportunity to catch her brother as he was born.

Ariel described the moment as one of the most amazing in her life, and she was grateful for the unique bond it created between Izzy and her new baby brother, Henry.

While Ariel cherishes the experience and believes it to be natural and beautiful, not everyone shares the same sentiment. Some have criticized her decision, claiming it could be harmful to involve such a young child in the birthing process.

However, Ariel disagrees with these opinions, defending her choice and arguing that witnessing childbirth is a natural part of life. She recounted her own transformative experience of witnessing her mother give birth when she was 14, and she sees no reason to shield children from this fundamental aspect of life.

In Ariel’s view, including Izzy in the birth of her sibling has strengthened their bond, and Izzy enjoys taking care of her little brother. The article concludes by asking readers for their thoughts on the matter and whether they would consider involving their children in the birth of their siblings.

Another video – thank you for reading

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